
Crescente on CIACT 07

Submited to CIACT 07: 7º Congresso Internacional de Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia e Seminário de Artes Digitais 2022, the paper “Crescente: como criar um novo instrumento musical expressivo” was accepted for the work group 5 (GT5) and published on the 28th of december, 2022.

There was also a small communication which happened during the conference which was held online, from the 6th till the 10th of june, 2022. There was also a small debate within the participants of the work group 5 (GT5) on the 8th of june, moderated by João Vilnei de Oliveira Filho (PhD)

Link to paper Abstract: This paper presents a part of the investigation on the prototyping of a new expressive musical instrument called Crescente. It is a portable and self-contained instrument in the shape of a moon. It was created based on the Bela platform and aggregates characteristics of conventional, digital and electronic instruments. One of the main goals for the design of this instrument was to make it expressive in the context of live musical performance. To this end, a set of mappings was implemented through the sensors used, transporting a vocabulary of physical gestures to the instruments’ sound responses. The research process was motivated by the will to integrate DIY practices and the open-source philosophy in the universe of new interfaces for musical expression. The work concludes with a brief reflection on gesture in the perception of music, on the accessibility of hardware and software in the current prototyping scenario, and on the paradigms of live electronics.